The operation of evaporative air conditioners is very simple; the air is attracted inside the refrigerator thanks to a quiet and powerful fan, when passing through pads soaked with water, they absorb much of the heat by the process of natural evaporation, resulting in fresh air. The temperature of the air oscillates between 5º C and 12º C less than that of the outside air, impelling air to the interior with a temperature between 20 and 25º C approximately.

Evaporative air conditioning is a very economical, healthy and ecological way of cooling. This system achieves savings of 80% with respect to the Air Conditioning, allowing the constant renovation of the air, improving its quality since it is introduced clean and filtered inside the enclosure, evacuating bad smells, fumes and gases to the outside, admitting to maintain the accesses open.


80% less consumption

Compared to an equivalent installation of air conditioning by compression the consumption is 80% smaller, similar to the one of a fan

Reduce the temperature

It will achieve a reduction of the temperature of the ship or local of between 5º and 12º according to the external conditions

Improves air quality

It allows the constant renewal of the air, improving its quality since it is introduced clean and filtered inside the enclosure, evacuating bad smells, fumes and gases to the outside

Ecological and sustainable

It does not use CFC’S or similar refrigerant gases, since it is based on the use of natural water for its operation, that also returns to the atmosphere in the form of vapor

Do not dry the environment

Maintains a balanced humidity level that is very beneficial to health, without drying up the environment, thus avoiding health problems

Air conditioning by zones

The evaporative air conditioning allows the climatization of specific areas or adapt the temperature of a ship / premises to different needs by areas

Open access

Evaporative air conditioning can be used in open spaces, it is not necessary to close doors, entrances or windows

Economical maintenance

Its maintenance is very economical and by incorporating few pieces of work reduces the chances of producing failures


The evaporative air conditioning for its qualities has multiple applications in all kinds of spaces that may require refrigeration. The evaporative air conditioning can be used with great efficiency in 70% of the Spanish territory, since for its optimal use it requires a dry climate. Among other applications of evaporative air conditioning are:

  • Refrigeration of industrial warehouses and cellars: The energy efficiency of evaporative air conditioning is especially evident in the cooling of large spaces, such as industrial warehouses. The energy consumption of this system is minimal, which means a great economic saving, and its installation is very simple. It also solves the problem of accumulation of dust, odors and smoke generated by different production processes, since the air is constantly renewed and is expelled to the outside keeping it filtered, clean and fresh inside the ship
  • Refrigeration of buildings of public services and spaces: evaporative air conditioning for its efficiency, health benefits and low installation and maintenance costs is ideal for the cooling of public spaces such as: schools, shopping centers sports pavilions, industrial kitchens, geriatrics, greenhouses and garden centers.

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